FileVault Module

The FileVault module is a collection file tool cmdlets that integrate with Hashicorp's Vault server and the KeyBase Vault server. Three of the cmdlets are just renamed cmdlets from the FileCrytpograhy.psm1 module (

Hashicorp's Vault server can be downloaded from:
For Vault server setup see:

KeyBase can be downloaded from Keybase implements secure messaging, chat, filesystem, git and a kvstore. I refer to the kvstore feature as KeyBase Vault because is provides similar functionality to Hashicorp's Vault server.

The FileVault module depends on the Zyborg.Vault module for integration with Hashicorp's Vault server.

  Install-Module Zyborg.Vault

FileVault cmdlet Overview Hashicorp Intregration

cmdlet Description
Get-Files Returns list files based on path and search criteria
Show-Files Same as Get-Files but displays results on console
Add-File Creates an empty file.
Set-FileTime Change the Creation + Modification + Last Access Date/time
New-CryptoKey Generates a random cryptography key
ConvertTo-Encrypted Encrypts a file using a symmetrical algorithm
ConvertFrom-Encrypted Decrypts a file encrypted with ConvertTo-Encrypted
Add-EncryptedFile Encrypts a file and stores the key in the Vault Server
Show-EncryptedFile Obtains key from Vault server and displays the file using the default application
Add-KeyValue Updates or Adds a key/value to the specified path in the Vault server
Remove-KeyValue Removes a key/value associated with a path in the Vault server
Get-KeyValue Returns the value of a specified key in the Vault server
Show-KeyValue Displays on the console the value associated with a key in the Vault server
Get-Paths Returns a list of paths associated with the root path in the Vault server
Show-Paths Same as Get-Paths but the paths are displayed on the console

FileVault cmdlet Overview KeyBase Intregration

cmdlet Description
Set-KBentryValue Creates a entryValue for a given entryKey in the KeyBase Vault.
Get-KBentryValue Returns the PSCredential object for a given entryKey in a KeyBase Vault.
Show-KBentryValue Copies the KeyBase Vault entryValue for a given entryKey to the clipboard.
Show-KBentryKeys Displays entryKeys in a namespace for a KeyBase team or account.
Show-KBnameSpaces Displays namespaces for a KeyBase team or account.
Remove-KBentryKey Removes the specified entryKey in a KeyBase Vault.

Use Get-Help to get more detailed cmdlet help and examples.

FileVault Installation

The code and documentation for FileVault can be downloaded here:

This module is not publish in PSGallery. Simply copy FileVault.psm1 to any folder and execute the following in the console or PowerShell script.

  Import-Module C:\bin\ps\FileVault.psm1

If desired create your own private PSGallery and publish this module to it.

FileVault Setup Hashicorp Integration

The following environment variables need to be set either system wide or in the PowerShell console session.

Variable Description
vault_addr The URL address of the Hashicorp Vault server. Example:
vault_path The root path set for the account accessing the Hashicorp Vault server
vault_authmethod The method used to authenticate with the Hashicorp Vault server. Example: userpass or okta
vault_token This variable is automatically set after the account authenticates with the Hashicorp Vault server

Setting the environmental variables


The vault_token variable is set by the authentication process in the FileVault module.

FileVault Setup KeyBase Integration

The following environment variables be set either system wide or in the PowerShell console session.

Variable Description
KEYBASE_BIN Full executable path of the KeyBase binary. ex. C:\bin\keybase\keybase.exe
KEYBASE_TM Optional default teamName to be used.
KEYBASE_NS Optional default namespace to be used.

Setting the environmental variables for KeyBase


Basic cmdlet examples

If authentication has not been established with the Vault server each command example will be proceeding with prompt to enter credentials for authentication. This will result in a token being returned.

The returned token is only valid for a limited time which depends on the policy associated with the credentials. When the token expires, another prompt for credentials will be presented.

Get a Vault Token


This is the cmdlet called by other cmdlets to retrieve a Vault token for accessing the Vault server.

If authentication is successful, the environmental variable vault_token with be set to the returned vault token value.

Display Vault servers paths


Will display on the console a list of valid paths available for the vault token.

Display a Key/Value pair

  Show-KeyValue -Path myapp -key BigSecret

Assuming the environmental variable vault_path was set to mypath, the full path value of
mypath/myapp will be used to display the value associated with the key BigSecret.

Add a Key/Value pair

  Add-KeyValue -Path newapp -Key password -Value some_long_complicated_string_value

Assuming the environmental variable vault_path was set to mypath, a sub-path of *newapp will be created with a the specified key/value pair.

Remove a Key/Value pair

  Remove-KeyValue -Path newapp -Key password

Assuming the environmental variable vault_path was set to mypath, the key password of sub-path of newapp will be removed. If there are no other keys associated with sub-path newapp, then the sub-path will be removed too.

Encrypt a file

  Add-EncryptedFile -filename SensitiveFile.txt

The file SensitiveFile.txt is compressed and encrypted into a resulting file named

Assuming the environmental variable vault_path was set to mypath, the key needed to decrypt the file is stored in the sub-path of mypath/ with a key value of and the decryption key is the value.

Both the file, SensitiveFile.txt and it's temporary zip file are removed.

Show an Encrypted file

  Show-EncryptedFile -filename SensitiveFile.txt

The file is decrypted and uncompressed using the key/value pair from the Vault Server. The file is then opened with the default application associated with '.txt' file on the computer.

Both the file, SensitiveFile.txt and it's temporary zip file are removed.

Other cmdlet examples

To view the other cmdlets available in the FileVault module:

  Get-Command -module FileVault

Get help and examples for any of the cmdlets:

  Get-Help <cmdlet> -full | more