A PowerShell 7 module implementing the following KeyBase functionality.
This module is functional on either Windows, Linux, or MacOS operating systems where PowerShell 7 is supported.
KeyBase KVstore Explorer
A set of cmdlets for performing CRUD operations on key/value pairs in the KeyBase KVstore. The NameSpace and entryKey metadata is obsured by using a random 12 characters in place of plain text values.
See KV-Explorer in action from the CLI.
See Web-KVExplorer in action from the WEB.
KeyBase FileSystem Explorer for displaying folders and files.
See KB-Explorer in action from the CLI.
File Encryption for encrypting a file or all files within a folder.
The decryption token is maintained in the Keybase KV store by default. This default behavior can be overriden if it is desired to maintain the decryption token else where.
KV store value encryption and signing.
There is now a Web interface developed with Pode.Web for using the KV-Explorer feature along with the existing CLI interface.
For details about the Pode.Web implementation see PW-KVExplorer
Cmdlets starting with the Show verb are for human consumption while any other cmdlets are for programmatic consumption.
The PSKeyBase module KV store cmdlets are:
Version | Date | Description |
1.0.8 | 2025-02-17 | Add-PSKEncryption -NoKB option no KeyBase client needed. Prompt to set passphrase |
1.0.7 | 2023-02-07 | -keep option on Remove-PSKEncryption will surpress confirmation prompt |
1.0.6 | 2022-05-11 | Added Web interface using Pode.Web for KV-Explorer feature |
1.0.5 | 2021-10-16 | Added PSReadline console history log cmdlets |
1.0.4 | 2021-09-19 | Added message encryption and signing cmdlets |
1.0.3 | 2021-07-13 | Fixed invalid reference to Test-Privilege |
1.0.2 | 2021-07-11 | File Encryption leveraging the KV store. |
1.0.1 | 2021-04-18 | Parse namespace/entrykey correctly with embedded spaces |
1.0.0 | 2021-03-25 | Initial release |
Alias | cmdlet | Description |
KB-Bye | Clear-PSKConsole | Removes the PSReadline console log and exits the session |
KB-Console | Get-PSKConsole | Returns or displays current console log records |
Enhancements made to KB-Encode and KB-Decode.
Alias | cmdlet | Description |
KV-Encode | Set-PSKSignedValue | Encrypts and signs a KV store value |
KV-Decode | Show-PSKSignedValue | Decrypts and verifies the signature of a KV store value |
KB-Encode | Set-PSKEncodeMessage | Encrypts and signs a message string or file |
KB-Decode | Show-PSKEncodeMessage | Decrypts and verifies the signature of a message or file |
For help on any of above cmdlets enter:
Get-Help KV-Enode -full
Get-Help Set-PSKSignedValue -full
The use case for using an encrypted and signed KV store value is for validating a login to a Web Server using an account name and password field.
Login to a Web Server will require the following steps.
KV-Encode -entryKey Pode9001 -namespace Web -Team ShareTeam
After KV-Encode completes the clipboard contains the encrypted KV store value and the signature of the keybase account that acquired the KV store value.
In Web Server's Login user name field, the keybase account name is entered and in the password field the user enters ctrl-v to copy the contents of the clipboard into the field.
The Web Server then.
For testing purpose, execute KV-Decode to decrypt and display the value in the clipboard.
Decrypted Value is: cV}9ZD07z2FuvY&:;CmgX\36).A!8?n4kKf+15yM Verified: Authored by cadayton (you)
There is malware in the wild that can monitor the clipboard for crypto currency address copied to the clipboard and then replace that crypto currency address with a different address without you being aware of the change.
One can use KB-Encode and KB-Decode to encrypt and sign content sent to the clipboard or to a file
Alias | cmdlet | Description |
KV-Explorer | Show-PKSNameSpaceHash | Displays existing namespace/key pairs in a Grid View. Select an entry to perform CRUD operations |
Get-PSKNameSpaces | returns an object containing the namespaces in use. Not decoded. | |
Get-PSKentryKeys | returns an object containing the namespace/key pairs. | |
Get-PSKEntryValue | returns an object containing the value of a specified namespace/key pair. | |
Show-PSKEntryValue | Displays the value of a specified namespace/key pair in a Grid View. | |
Set-PSKEntryValue | Creates/Updates the value of a specified namespace/key pair. | |
Remove-PSKentryKey | Deletes key/value pair in a specified namespace. | |
Set-PKSConfiguration | Create/Update the configuration file. |
Alias | cmdlet | Description |
KB-Explorer | Show-PKSFileSystem | Displays folders and files in a Grid View |
Get-PKSCapacity | returns available capacity in the Keybase filesystem | |
Show-PKSCapacity | Outputs KeyBase filesytem capacity metrics | |
Get-PKSFileSystem | returns an object containing folders and files |
cmdlet | Description |
Add-PSKEncryption | Encrypts a specified file or all files in a specified directory |
Remove-PSKEncryption | Decrypts a specified file or all files in a specified directory |
Set-PSKPassPhrase | Return a 20 character random token |
Test-PSKPrivilege | Returns true if the current process is running with elevated privilege |
Install-PSKGnuPg | Installs the GNU Privacy Guard application for Windows or Linux |
The Keybase encryption cmdlets are new with version 1.0.2.
To upgrade git clone keybase://team/psmodules/PSKeyBase to a local directory and copy the *.md, *.psd1, and *.psm1 files to your PSKeyBase module installation folder.
The basic goal is to encrypt a file or files and have the decryption token maintained in the Keybase KV store.
PS> Add-PSKEncryption -FolderPath test.log
NameSpace Team entryKey Revison
--------- ---- -------- -------
TOOLAH-File (749e6f001f41) dayton,dayton test.log (68a941536733) 1
Encrypt a file within the current working directory and store the decryption token in the KeyBase KV store.
After the file is successfully encrypted, the uncrypted version is removed.
A random decryption token is generated. (Default 20 characters)
The KVstore namespace value will be "<hostname>-File" and the key will be "test.log"
as shown in the command output.
On version 1.0.8, -NoKB option bypasses the need for the Keybase client and optionally
prompts for a manual passphrase input.
PS> Remove-PSKEncryption -FolderPath test.log.gpg
Decrypting C:\myfolder\test.log.gpg to C:\myfolder\test.log (Y or N) : Y
KV test.log (b388d70f1c63) removed in NameSpace: TOOLAH-File (6ed05cb2d822)
Prompts for confirmation to decrypt the file and then retrieves the decryption token from the Keybase KV store
unless the -NoKB option is set.
Using the -NoKB options requires manual input of the decrypt token
The encrypted file, test.log.gpg is removed.
If the option, '-Keep' was used above then the encrypted file will not be removed.
Execute the cmdlet, Install-PSKGnuPg, if the installation of the GNU Privacy Guard application is missing.
More details can be reviewed by executing Get-Help for each of the cmdlets.
I've only tested on Windows and Linux, but it should work on the MacOS too.
This module can be installed by downloading the installation script Install PSKeyBase or by following the instructions below.
This module requires the installation of the KeyBase and Git software on the client.
I strongly recommend using the Install PSKeyBase link above to download the script, Install-PKKeyBase.ps1 because it will verify all dependencies are in place and install any other PowerShell module dependencies. If you are looking to just download the code for review, continue with the process outlined in the manual installation section below.
Executing the command, KV-Explorer (Show-PSKNameSpaceHash) will display a Grid View table showing the namespace/entryKey pairs within the specified KeyBase team.
The value shown in parathensis is the encoded metadata value that is stored on the KeyBase server. The unencoded value is only seen by the KeyBase client.
If you are using multiple KeyBase clients on different workstations, the data presented will be the same because the clients populate the hashtable from files that are maintained in the KeyBase filesystem.
The file, KBnamespace.xml is stored in the /keybase/private/keybaseID folder. When the client makes changes the data is updated locally and synch'ed with the above keybase folder. Synchronization with the Keybase filesystem is the default, but can be overriden by changing the configuration file. See Set-PSKConfiguration.
For teams the file, KBnamespace-teamname.xml is stored in the /keybase/team/teamname folder.
By using the down/up arrows and the space bar, one can select a specific entry for operations.
After making a selection, press the Enter key to display the operations Grid-View.
The last 2 options Add and Plain create a new key/value pairing. The Plain is available should you desire to not have the metadata encoded.
Executing the command KB-Explorer (Show-PSKFileSystem) will display a Grid View table showing the folders and files within the specified KeyBase filesystem.
The title line displays the current path being referenced along with the available capacity in the KeyBase filesystem.
The Filter box is used for filtering the displayed content.
To navigate through the KeyBase directory structure, select a DIR record by using the arrow keys and the space bar. When the value return appears in the list, it can be selected to return to the parent folder. After making a selected, press the enter key.
When a file is selected, the options to 'Copy, Remove, View, Run, or Execute' will be presented. The Run option is currently only available when selecting a PowerShell script file with a '.ps1' extension.
Join the KeyBase PSKeyBase team
Download the PSKeyBase module
git clone keybase://team/psmodules/PSKeyBase
The environmental variable '$env:PSModulePath' controls where the server will look for PowerShell modules. My recommendation is to create new folder for your personal PowerShell modules and update the PSModulePath variable to include a reference this new folder.
Copy the folder created by 'git clone' to a folder location referenced in $env:PSModulePath. At a minimum the folder should have the follow files.
To verify that PowerShell 7 has recognized this module, start a NEW PowerShell console session and enter the following command.
Get-Command -module PSKeyBase.
This should produce the following output.
CommandType Name Version Source
----------- ---- ------- ------
Alias KB-Explorer 1.0.8 PSKeyBase
Alias KV-EntryValue 1.0.8 PSKeyBase
Alias KV-Explorer 1.0.8 PSKeyBase
Function Add-PSKEncryption 1.0.8 PSKeyBase
Function Get-PSKCapacity 1.0.8 PSKeyBase
Function Get-PSKentryKeys 1.0.8 PSKeyBase
Function Get-PSKEntryValue 1.0.8 PSKeyBase
Function Get-PSKFileSystem 1.0.8 PSKeyBase
Function Get-PSKNameSpaces 1.0.8 PSKeyBase
Function Install-PSKGnuPg 1.0.8 PSKeyBase
Function Remove-PSKEncryption 1.0.8 PSKeyBase
Function Remove-PSKentryKey 1.0.8 PSKeyBase
Function Set-PSKConfiguration 1.0.8 PSKeyBase
Function Set-PSKEntryValue 1.0.8 PSKeyBase
Function Set-PSKPassPhrase 1.0.8 PSKeyBase
Function Show-PSKCapacity 1.0.8 PSKeyBase
Function Show-PSKEntryValue 1.0.8 PSKeyBase
Function Show-PSKFileSystem 1.0.8 PSKeyBase
Function Show-PSKNameSpaceHash 1.0.8 PSKeyBase
The final step is to set the configuraton for your environment by executing the cmdlet.
This command will update the file, PSKeyBase-cfg.xml located in the module root folder.
variable | Defaut | Description |
KEYBASE_BIN | none | Binary path location of the Keybase executable |
KEYBASE_TM | KBID,KBID | KeyBase ID is the default team name. |
KEYBASE_NS | Namespace | Default namespace value to use. |
KEYBASE_FP | module folder | Path location for hashtable files |
KEYBASE_SYN | sync | Sync hashtable files with Keybase filesystem |