Get-PSOciBootBackup v0.5.0

PowerShell script for performing a Boot Volume Backup on an Oracle Cloud compute instance running BTCPayServer application to generate an application consistent backup.


This script utilizes the PowerShell module, OCI.PSModules.Core which is an interface into Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) API.

This script can be executed on any device supporting PowerShell Core. Currently only tested on Linux OS.

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NAME: /home/cadayton/ps/Get-PSOciBootBackup.ps1

SYNOPSIS: PowerShell script for performing a Boot Volume Backup on an Oracle Cloud compute instance running BTCPayServer application to generate an application consistent backup.


/home/cadayton/ps/Get-PSOciBootBackup.ps1 [-hostname]

This script utilizes the PowerShell module, OCI.PSModules.Core which is an interface into Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) API. This script can be executed on any device supporting PowerShell Core. Currently only tested on Linux OS.

Inputs and Requirements

The input file, $HOME/OCIinstances.xml xml input file containing a list of OCI instances.

XML Schema for OCIinstances.xml 👇

            <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
              <instance displayname="myhost1">
              <instance displayname="myhost2">


PowerShell Core


PSKeyBase Module

OCI Create Private/Public Keys

Private and Public keys need to be created to access the OCI API

Create Private/Public Keys 👇

            1. mkdir ~/.oci
            2. Create Private key.  Enter the passphrase when prompted.
              openssl genrsa -out ~/.oci/oci_api_key.pem -aes128 2048
            3. Remove rwx permissions for group and others on Private key
              chmod 600 ~/.oci/oci_api_key.pem
            4. Generate public key
              openssl rsa -pubout -in ~/.oci/oci_api_key.pem -out ~/.oci/oci_api_key_public.pem
            Go to the OCI Web Interface -> User Settings -> API-Keys -> Add-Key
            Select option to upload public key option
            Copy the contents of the config referenced in the dialog to a file named 'config' in the $HOME/.oci directory.

Create OCI config file

By default a file, named config needs to be create in the $HOME/.oci directory.

config setup 👇

            Configuration file example $HOME/.oci/config
              user        = [your ocid1.user.oc1...]
              fingerprint = [your fingerprint]
              tenancy     = [your ocid1.tenancy.oc1...]
              region      = [your region]
              key_file    = [your private key $HOME/.oci/oci_api_key.pem]
              pass_phrase = [your private key pass phrase]

SDK document for setting file, config

OCI Config file Setup

Example creating a Boot Volume Backup

PS > Get-PSOciBootBackup.ps1 myOCIdisplayname

Command output 👇

            Process overview
              1. Initial step is to decrypt the contents of the $HOME/.oci directory.
              2. A ssh console session is then open to the OCI compute instance to stop the BTCPayServer applications.
              3. The prior Boot Volume backup is removed.
              4. A request is submitted to OCI to perform a manual backup of the Boot volume.
              5. Waits for the backup state to change to Creating or Available
              6. Removes unencrypted files in the $HOME/.oci directory
              7. Restart the BTCPayServer docker processes.

              Console Output Example
                Creating a boot volume backup for [DISPLAY NAME]
                Decrypting files in $HOME/.oci
                  Decrypting $HOME/.oci/config.gpg to $HOME/.oci/config
                  Decrypting $HOME/.oci/oci_api_key_public.pem.gpg to $HOME/.oci/oci_api_key_public.pem
                  Decrypting $HOME/.oci/oci_api_key.pem.gpg to $HOME/.oci/oci_api_key.pem
                Stopping BTCPay Server docker processes
                  In the terminal  just started enter the following commands to stop BTCPay Server 
                  sudo su -
                  cd ~/btcpayserver-docker
                  Once the BTCPay docker instances are stopped
                  Press Enter to continue the Boot Volume backup process
                Boot volume backup requested
                Waiting on Backup state to be either  Creating or Available
                Boot volume backup created:  Backup 20230208 [DisplayName]  Elapse: 00 min 27 sec State: Creating
                Removing unencrypted files in $HOME/.oci
                Restarting the BTCpay server docker processes
                  In the [DISPLAY NAME] console Enter the follow command to start the BTCPay docker processes

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