VaultApi v0.6.4

PowerShell script using the RESTAPI to automate Hashicorp Vault functionality.


Easily start, unseal, login, seal, and stop the Hashicorp Vault server.

It is intended that the implementation of Hashicorp Vault server be restricted to only a home non-routed network and only ran on a "on-demand" bases.

Details 👇

Supports all CRUD operations for interacting with the kv Secrets Engine (v1).

This implementation supports both a model of a single path with one key/value pair or a single path with multiple key/value pairs.

For remote access to the Vault server, the script can be copied to other computers on the non-routed network along with the config.hcl.


This script can be executed on any device supporting PowerShell Core.

Currently only tested on Linux OS.

Get-Help 👇

PS> Get-Help VaultApi

PS> Get-Help VaultApi -full

PS> Get-Help VaultApi -Examples

              -Examples option shows the full set commands


VaultApi [-action] 'String' [-kvpath] 'String' [-kvalue] 'String' [-kvkey] 'String' [-info] 'switch' [-Raw] 'switch'

Version History 👇

            Version Date         Whom       Notes
            ======= ====         ========   =====================================================
            0.6.4   02/18/2025   cadayton   Added optional feature supporting encryption of the VaultApi.json file.
            0.6.3   05/18/2024   cadayton   Backup option now uses CLI command to create snapshot file
            0.6.2   05/18/2024   cadayton   Kv1Read kvKey param "_ReturnKeys" returns list of keys in a path   
            0.6.1   03/09/2024   cadayton   On 'Vault Stop' command history is cleared.
            0.6.0   03/04/2024   cadayton   Default is to read vault keys from VaultApi.json in the .ssh directory.
            0.5.9   02/28/2024   cadayton   SetValue action creates randomized 20 char value
                                            Kv1Create and Kv1Update supports key word 'setvalue' for a keyvalue
            0.5.8   02/27/2024   cadayton   Kv1Read output defaults to the clipboard rather than the console
                                            Raw switch overrides this default.
            0.5.7   02/27/2024   cadayton   Experimental ShowHash action to detect code changes
            0.5.6   02/26/2024   cadayton   Added FindPaths for searching for paths matching a pattern
            0.5.5   02/25/2024   cadayton   Added support for mulitple key/value pairs per path
            0.5.4   02/24/2024   cadayton   Added KeyPaths functionality
            0.5.3   02/23/2024   cadayton   Added snapshot backup of the Vault data.
            0.5.2   02/21/2024   cadayton   Update allow reading of specific keyname
                                            Added logic to prevent overwrite of path with multiple key/value entries.
            0.5.1   02/20/2024   cadayton   Updates to make the script OS neutral
            0.5.0   01/25/2024   cadayton   initial release.

Inputs and Requirements

The input file, $HOME/config.hcl Hashicorp Vault configuration file

Example Hashicorp Vault config.hcl 👇

            ui = true
            disable_mlock = true

            storage "raft" {
              path    = "./vault/data"
              node_id = "my computer name"

            listener "tcp" {
              address     = ""
              tls_disable = "true"

            api_addr = ""
            cluster_addr = ""
Required Software 👇

Linux based computer on a non-routed home network.

HashicorpVault server installed with config.hcl located in the home directory

Powershell Core

Install Gpaste for clipboard functionality

          sudo apt install xclip xsel
          sudo apt install gpaste
Optional Software 👇

Keybase client

PSKeyBase Module

Setup and Configuration Articles 👇

See the following links for a guide on how to setup a Bitcoin wallet and use it with Cold Storage

Bitcoin and key/value using Hashicorp Vault

Setting up your first bitcoin wallet environment

Bitcoin and Cold Storage using VeraCrypt

Encrypting VaultApi.json v0.6.4 👇

Previous versions only supported unencrypted VaultApi.json file in the .ssh directory.

Version 0.6.4 optionally supports encrypting the VaultApi.json

To implement, the PSKeybase module and gpg must be installed. Note the KeyBase client is not required for this feature.

Encrypt VaultApi.json

            Add-PSKEncryption -FolderPath $HOME/.ssh/VaultApi.json -NoKB

You'll be prompted to enter a passphrase token for decrypting the file. VaultApi.json.gpg will now exist and VaultApi.json will be removed.

Securely save the passphrase token

            Get-Credential | Export-Clixml -Path $HOME/.ssh/token.xml

Store token file on offline media

A more secure method of maintaining the token file is keep the file on offline media and mount when needed.

Create a new configuration file in your home directory call configv.hcl with the following content.

            # config for VaultApi.ps1
            # where is token.xml file located. on startup value is stored in environmental variable VAULT_MEDIA
            vault_media = /media/veracrypt3/token.xml

Now before starting Hashicorp Vault, you'll need to make the offline media available for the vault to be available.

VaultApi supported operations

Valid values for the action parameter

VaultApi -action 👇

            "Start"     # Start the Hashicorp Vault server
            "Stop"      # Stop the Hashicorp Vault server
            "Check"     # Check Vault running process info
            "Status"    # Hashicorp Vault status info
            "login"     # username or token login
            "Seal"      # Seal the Hashicorp Vault server
            "Unseal"    # UnSeal the Hashicorp Vault server
            "WebUI"     # Launch the Web UI
            "Kv1List"   # List existing Key paths
            "Kv1Read"   # return VALUE of a key/value pair
            "Kv1Create" # create a key/value pair
            "Kv1Delete" # delete a key/value pair
            "Kv1Update" # update existing key/value pair with new value
            "Backup"    # Snapshot file backup of the Vault data
            "KeyPaths"  # List all entries in a path
            "FindPaths" # Search for specific path(s) matching a pattern
            "SetValue"  # Creates a randomized 20 char value and copies it to the clipboard

VaultApi Usage

See the Get-Help above for a full set of examples

Overview of creating first kv secret engine entry 👇

            In this set of command you'll not see prompts for a password
            or prompts for keys to unseal the Vault because the values are
            retreived from the VaultApi.json file or the Keybase KV store.
            VaultApi Start
              Do you want to START  Hashicorp Vault? [Yes or No]: Yes
            Vault Unseal
              Unseal the Vault [Yes or No]: Yes
            Vault login
              Choose a login method [token  or userpass] userpass                                                       
              Enter username: bitcoin
              Enter password: ********
              VAULT_TOKEN set to bitcoin
            VaultApi Kv1Create /kv1/API/Test10 testvalue
              Creates a new path with the key/value pair of "Test10/testvalue"
              **Note**: Test10 is both last item name in the path
              and the key name associated with 'testvalue'
            VaultApi Kv1List /kv1/API
            VaultApi Kv1Read kv1/API/Test10

            VaultApi Kv1Update kv1/API/Test10 newvalue

            VaultApi Kv1Delete kv1/API/Test10

            VaultApi Seal
              Seal the Vault [Yes or No]: Yes                                                                           
              Vault has been sealed

            VaultApi Stop
              Do you want to STOP Hashicorp Vault? [Yes or No]: Yes                                                     
              Stopping Hashicorp Vault...117030

Have questions or issues contact me

Contact Options 👇

Reach me on nostr

Reach me on Keybase