BTCpay and BTCpayApi v0.1.0

PowerShell script using the REST APIs to automate BTCPAY server and LND node functionality.


Current REST APIs supported are


Greenfield Api

BTCpay executes on the input provided then executes BTCpayApi which makes the appropriate REST api calls and outputs the results for human consumption.

These scripts are used daily to interact with my BTCPay server and LND Lightning node instances running in the cloud.

It is nice to be able to check on the status of stuff and make changes without have to log into a Web interface. The other added benefit if needed is the ability to fully automate any repetitve work that needs to happen. My grand plan is to add other REST Api(s) that are Bitcoin and Lightning related like Coinos.

Here is an example of executing the ListChannels Api call

BTCpay ListChannels 👇

                                        Active Public Payment Channels

    Node             Active Capacity  RemBalance(In) LocBalance(Out) Sent       Received   HTLCs Fee Weight
    ----             ------ --------  -------------- --------------- ----       --------   ----- --- ------
    Node1              True 1,000,000 118,175        880,534         4,060,999  3,942,824      0 631 1116
    Node2              True 1,000,000 158,246        840,497         1,060,684  902,438        0 597 1116
    Node3              True 1,000,000 527,966        470,743         2,746,878  2,218,912      0 631 1116
    Node4              True 260,000   13,661         245,082         3,306,025  3,292,364      0 597 1116
    Node5              True 1,000,000 977,953        20,756          7,321,434  7,342,191      0 631 1116
    Node6              True 115,459   98,920         15,316          931,880    947,196        0 563 1116
    Node7              True 1,000,000 983,904        14,839          24,526,583 23,542,679     0 597 1116
    Node8              True 200,000   189,105        9,604           1,682,898  1,493,793      0 631 1116
Details 👇

The BTCpay and BTCpayApi scripts do NOT store any sensitivity data and requires either manual input for this data or a supported implementation of a password manager for retrieving this type of data.

The supported and tested password manager applications are Keybase and Hashicorp Vault.

Keybase also requires installation of PSKeyBase and Keybase client

Hashicorp Vault also requires installation of VaultApi and Hashicorp Vault server

Any password manager that has a CLI available should work too.

These scripts can be executed on any OS supporting PowerShell Core.

Currently only tested on Linux OS.

Get-Help 👇

PS> Get-Help BTCpay

PS> Get-Help BTCpay -full

PS> Get-Help BTCpay -Examples

    The -Examples option above shows the full set of commands available in BTCpay.


BTCpay 'command1,command2' ['option1,option2']

Version History 👇

    Version Date         Whom       Notes
    ======= ====         ========   =====================================================
    0.1.0   03/15/2025   cadayton   Initial release

Inputs and Requirements

LndNodes.xml configuration file 👇 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <LndNodes> <node alias="node1"> <chanid>channel id value</chanid> <pubkey>public Key value</pubkey> </node> <node alias="node2"> <chanid>channel id value</chanid> <pubkey>public Key value</pubkey> </node> </LndNodes>

In the above xml file there needs to be a node alias assigned for each of your public channels.

BTCpay-request.json configuration file 👇 { "payment_request": "lnbc10u1pnu33yvpp5m7vys67swcqsd0ldmg5gj9r7ve93w7y42cq", "allow_self_payment": true, "no_inflight_updates": true, "timeout_seconds": 60, "fee_limit_sat": 30, "outgoing_chan_ids": [870254539274727936, 870254539274727936], "last_hop_pubkey": "AvGoyDAY9BXI8iwAWTcAd1lB3qSIac4jCWryewzipAtp" }

The above json file is updated with the correct information when making a SendPaymentV2 api call.

BTCpayApiCfg.xml configuration file 👇 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <BTCpayApi> <GreenApi> <url>url to the BTCpay Server</url> </GreenApi> <LndApi> <url>url to the LND server</url> </LndApi> <KeyBase> <note>Ignore this section if not using Keybase</note> <kbnamespace>namespace value for the keys below</kbnamespace> <api>keyname for Greenfield Api key</api> <ocistore>keyname for BTCpay store ID</ocistore> <pos>keyname for BTCpay Point of Sale ID</pos> <admin>keyname for Lnd-admin macaroon</admin> <invoice>keyname for LND-invoice macaroon</invoice> <macaroon>keyname for Lnd-macaroon</macaroon> <readonly>keyname for Lnd-Readonly macaroon</readonly> </KeyBase> <HashiCorp> <admin>VaultApi kv1Read kv1/LND/macaroon -kvkey admin -raw</admin> <invoice>VaultApi kv1Read kv1/LND/macaroon -kvkey invoice -raw</invoice> <macaroon>VaultApi kv1Read kv1/LND/macaroon -kvkey macar -raw</macaroon> <readonly>VaultApi kv1Read kv1/LND/macaroon -kvkey readonly -raw</readonly> <greenapi>VaultApi kv1Read kv1/BTCpay/Greenfield -kvkey greenapi -raw</greenapi> <ocistore>VaultApi kv1Read kv1/BTCpay/Greenfield -kvkey storeid -raw</ocistore> <pos>VaultApi kv1Read kv1/BTCpay/Greenfield -kvkey posid -raw</pos> </HashiCorp> </BTCpayApi>

This configuration is used for gathering sensitive data from the password manager application.

Required Software 👇

Install Gpaste for clipboard functionality

          sudo apt install xclip xsel
          sudo apt install gpaste
Setup and Configuration Articles 👇

See the following links for a guide on how to setup a Bitcoin wallet and use it with Cold Storage

Bitcoin and key/value using Hashicorp Vault

Setting up your first bitcoin wallet environment

Bitcoin and Cold Storage using VeraCrypt

BTCpay supported LND REST Api operations

BTCpay ListChannels 👇

    PS> BTCpay ListChannels
                                        Active Public Payment Channels

    Node             Active Capacity  RemBalance(In) LocBalance(Out) Sent       Received   HTLCs Fee Weight
    ----             ------ --------  -------------- --------------- ----       --------   ----- --- ------
    Node1              True 1,000,000 118,175        880,534         4,060,999  3,942,824      0 631 1116
    Node2              True 1,000,000 158,246        840,497         1,060,684  902,438        0 597 1116
    Node3              True 1,000,000 527,966        470,743         2,746,878  2,218,912      0 631 1116
    Node4              True 260,000   13,661         245,082         3,306,025  3,292,364      0 597 1116
    Node5              True 1,000,000 977,953        20,756          7,321,434  7,342,191      0 631 1116
    Node6              True 115,459   98,920         15,316          931,880    947,196        0 563 1116
    Node7              True 1,000,000 983,904        14,839          24,526,583 23,542,679     0 597 1116
    Node8              True 200,000   189,105        9,604           1,682,898  1,493,793      0 631 1116

$r = BTCpay ListChannels noformat --- With this option, the same data as above is return in array represented by $r

$r = BTCpay ListChannels raw ... With this option, the full set of channel attributes are returned in an array from the API call. This option will not have the node alias attribute because API data doesn't contain the node alias.

BTCpay BalanceChannel 👇

The BalanceChannel is performing a Circular Rebalance of the liquidity between two channels with execessive liquidity on either end of the channel.

This operation is making 2 API calls AddInvoice and SendPaymentV2 as well as prompting for input.

Referring to the ListChannels example, we see that Node1 channel as a Local balance of 880,534 sats while the Node7 channel has Remote balance of 983,904 sats. Notice that the ListChannels output sorts on a descending order of the LocBalance(Out) column. One should always do a Circular Rebalance between channels that have a high LocBalance(Out) balance and a channel with high RemBalance(In) balance.

For this example, sats will be moved from Node1 channel to Node7 channel.

          $paym = BTCpay BalanceChannel Node1,Node7,2000

          Proceed with sending 2088 sats from channel Node1 to Node7 [Yes or No]: 
          Creating Invoice... Paying Invoice... Paid Invoice for 2088 sats satfee: 4 msatfee: 4783

If the ListChannels command is ran again, you'll notice that Node1's LocBalance(Out) has decreased by 2088 sats while it's RemBalance(In) balance has increased by the same amount. Node7's LocBalance(Out) balance will have increase by 2088 sats while it's RemBalance(In) balance has decrease by the same amount.

With the command BTCpay BalanceChannel Node1,Node7,2000 you may be asking why balances changed by 2088 sats and not the 2000 sats passed to the BalanceChannel command. This is because the sats value passed in is considered the minimum amount and the actual value will be a random value between the minimum plus 500 sats.

Also, notice in the command responce there was a charge of 4 sats for performing the transaction. This is fee charged by the lightning node operators.

If the payment fails, you'll be prompted has to whether or not to save the payment request. On the next execution of this command the prior payment request will be used. Also note on failure, the variable $paym may contain more information about the failure.

BTCpay AddInvoice 👇

          $result = BTCpay AddInvoice
          $result = BTCpay AddInvoice value=1000,memo=testinvoice  

On success, $result.payment_request contains the payment request. The first example will prompt for an amount in sats for the invoice. Reference the API documentation for the set of options that can be used.

BTCpay GetChannelAttribute 👇

            BTCpay GetChannelAttribute Node1,chanid

This command returns the 'chanid' attribute associated with the node alias, Node1

Execute BTCpay ListChannels noformat to see the list of attributes that can be specified.

BTCpay SendPaymentV2 👇

Sending a Circular Reblance payment from one payment channel to another channel. First AddInvoice command would need to be executed to create an payment invoice.

          $result = BTCpay AddInvoice value=1000,memo=testinvoice

Second get the chan_id of the channel with a high Local balance compared to it's Remote balance

          $chanid = BTCpay GetChannelAttribute Node1,chanid

Third get the pubkey of the channel with a high Remote balance compared to it's Local balance

          $pubkey = BTCpay GetChannelAttribute Node7,pubkey
          $paym = BTCpay SendPaymentV2 $chanid,$pubkey,$result.payment_request

Note the BalanceChannel command does all these steps for you so it should be easier so use.

BTCpay ChannelBalance 👇

List a summary of the inbound and outbound channel liquidity

          BTCpay ChannelBalance

          The command prints the following formatted output.

          InOutBalance InBound   OutBound  PendingOpen PendingIn PendingOut UnsettleIn UnsettleOut
          ------------ -------   --------  ----------- --------- ---------- ---------- -----------
          5,565,448    3,068,078 2,497,370           0         0          0          0           0
BTCpay ForwardingHistory 👇

This command outputs a formatted table showing forwarding events for the last 14 days or from the start time specified.

          BTCpay ForwardingHistory
          BTCpay ForwardingHistory start_time=mm/dd/yyyy

          TimeStamp        Alias_in    Amount_in Amt_in_msat Alias_out  Amount_out Amt_out_msat fee fee_msat
          ---------        --------    --------- ----------- ---------  ---------- ------------ --- --------
          03-06-2025 06:03 Node1       20747     20747087    Node7      20746      20747087     0   719
          03-06-2025 02:03 Node2       4634      4634913     Node7      4634       4634913      0   541
          03-06-2025 02:03 Node3       11146     11146851    Node7      11146      11146851     0   613
BTCpay GetInfo 👇

GetInfo returns general information concerning the lightning node including it's identity pubkey, alias, the chains it is connected to, and information concerning the number of open+pending channels.

          BTCpay GetInfo

                                      mainnet Information 

          Chain   Network  Block Block TS   ChainSync GraphSync Active InActive Pending Peers
          -----   -------  ----- --------   --------- --------- ------ -------- ------- -----
          bitcoin mainnet 886908 1741461776      True      True      8        0       0    10

          $g = BTCpay GetInfo raw

          $g is a PSCustomObject containing the attributes of the LND node.
BTCpay ListInvoices 👇

          $i = BTCpay ListInvoices creation_date_start=03/04/2025,creation_date_end=03/07/2025
          $i = BTCpay ListInvoices pending_only=true
          Return a list of invoices as a PSCustomObject base on the options specified.
          Enter $i.invoices to list all invoices returned.
BTCpay ListPeers 👇

          $p = BTCpay ListPeers

          Returns a list of peers as a PSCustomObject.
          Enter $p.peers to see listing of all peers.
BTCpay QueryRoute 👇

QueryRoutes attempts to query the daemon's Channel Router for a possible route to a target destination capable of carrying a specific amount of satoshis.

          Get the pubkey for a channel node alias.

          $pubkey = BTCpay GetChannelAttribute Node1,pubkey
          $sats = 5000
          $qr = BTCpay QueryRoutes $pubkey,$sats
          $qr is a PSCustomObject containing the route(s) details
BTCpay WalletBalance 👇

WalletBalance returns total onchain unspent outputs(confirmed and unconfirmed), all confirmed unspent outputs and all unconfirmed unspent outputs under control of the wallet.

          BTCpay WalletBalance

          total_balance                : 241377
          confirmed_balance            : 241377
          unconfirmed_balance          : 0
          locked_balance               : 0
          reserved_balance_anchor_chan : 80000
          account_balance              : @{default=}
BTCpay ListTowers 👇

ListTowers returns the list of watchtowers registered with the client.

          $t = BTCpay ListTowers

          pubkey                   : AhQnbWDuzr7+ztbMko4g08zJAFDBiV0XPn57ImIZmA4T
          addresses                : {nqto7jwed3pdef7vsdte3xelshxep7ofoc7abceag5dcjd2jw5augqyd.onion:9911}
          active_session_candidate : True
          num_sessions             : 341
          sessions                 : {}
BTCpay GetTowerInfo 👇

GetTowerInfo retrieves information for a registered watchtower.

          $t = BTCpay ListTowers

          BTCpay GetTowerInfo $t.towers.pubkey

          pubkey                   : AhQnbWDuzr7+ztbMko4g08zJAFDBiV0XPn57ImIZmA4T
          addresses                : {nqto7jwed3pdef7vsdte3xelshxep7ofoc7abceag5dcjd2jw5augqyd.onion:9911}
          active_session_candidate : True
          num_sessions             : 1
          sessions                 : {}
BTCpay WTstats 👇

Stats returns the in-memory statistics of the client since startup.

          BTCpay WTstats                      

          num_backups            : 1815
          num_pending_backups    : 0
          num_failed_backups     : 0
          num_sessions_acquired  : 2
          num_sessions_exhausted : 2

BTCpay WTGetInfo 👇

GetInfo returns general information concerning the companion watchtower including its public key and URIs where the server is currently listening for clients.

          BTCpay WTGetInfo

          pubkey                                       listeners                         uris
          ------                                       ---------                         ----
          A3ASdCUK5KrzOkLgD+TBre/W1OYraTx0KrcADOsz3tb1 {,} {
BTCpay ExportAllChannelBackups 👇

ExportAllChannelBackups returns static channel backups for all existing channels known to lnd. A set of regular singular static channel backups for each channel are returned. Additionally, a multi-channel backup is returned as well, which contains a single encrypted blob containing the backups of each channel.

          BTCpay ExportAllChannelBackups SCB
          Creates a static channel backup file named, scb-.xml
          scb-.xml has been updated
          To load the SCB file 
          execute: BTCPay LoadChannelBackup
          $b = BTCpay ExportAllChannelBackups
          $b is a PSCustomObject containing the exported backup information
BTCpay LoadChannelBackup 👇

Retrieves the backup data contained in the static channel backup file named, scb-.xml

          $scb = BTCpay LoadChannelBackup

BTCpay supported Greenfield REST Api operations

BTCpay nodebal 👇

View balance of the lightning node

          BTCpay nodebal

          Onchain Balance: 
            Confirmed:   241377 sats
            unconfirmed: 0 sats
            reserved:    0 sats
          Offchain Balance: 
            Local:    497370 sats
            Remote:   068094 sats
            Opening:  0 sats
            Closing:  0 sats
          $nb = BTCpay nodebal raw
            $ng is a PSCustomObject containing the node balance data.
BTCpay GetPointOfSaleApp 👇

Get Point of Sale app data

          $pos = BTCpay GetPointOfSaleApp

          $pos is a PSCustomObject containing Point of Sale attributes.
BTCpay GetPointofSaleItems 👇

Display each item in the Point of Sales app interactively on the terminal console.

          BTCPay GetPointOfSaleApp

          Getting Point of Sale items
          psConsole Price: $1
          A PowerShell launch utility that supports:
          Starting OpenSSH, Remote sessions, opening URLs and starting applications.
          See the following link for details.

          Enter to continue...: 
BTCpay GetAppSales 👇

Returns sales statistics for the Point of Sales app

          BTCpay GetAppSales

          BarnYard Market Sales for the Last 7 Days
          date label  salesCount
          ---- -----  ----------
          1740960000 Mar 03          0
          1741046400 Mar 04          0
          1741132800 Mar 05          0
          1741219200 Mar 06          0
          1741305600 Mar 07          0
          1741392000 Mar 08          0
          1741478400 Mar 09          0
          BTCpay GetAppSales 30
            Get the last 30 days of sales.

Purchase and Download

The scripts can be purchased and downloaded using Bitcoin or Lightning from the Barnyard Market

The downloaded file is zip file containing the script files and the configuration files.

The configuation files need to be updated with content meaningful to your environment and saved with the '-example' portion removed from the file name.

There is a 50% markup in price, if you are wanting to use fiat money to purchase the scripts.

Have questions or issues contact me

Contact Options 👇

Reach me on nostr

Reach me on Keybase